Our Services


We assist businesses and individuals with their commercial financing needs as loan syndicates,  facilitators and agents - including all business loans,  term loans, commercial real estate loans, equipment loans, and leasing Riches investment consultancy ltd seeks out financing arrangements among multiple lenders and reviews all loan documents.

Where and when necessary, we introduce both lenders and borrowers having needs for each other. We connect them and facilitate funding loans and other financial transactions between them.


We manage the entire suite of the loan/financial deals life cycle of sourcing, validating, executing deals and thereafter on successful consummation, monitoring borrower-wise, the utilization of such loans with their respective terms of lending.

Specifically, the services that we render are

  1. We onboard potential borrowers by leveraging our network through a mixture of active prospecting and passive referrals.
  2. We prepare the loan documentation package together with an SOP for contracting with each of such borrower to conclude their working loan agreement(s).
  3. We review the teaser or investment memorandum, perform their background check, and communicate to them timely for the execution of the working loan agreement with the due performance of SOP
  4. We perform due diligence to vet the loan proposal, and the Information Memorandum for the Borrower/project, and negotiate on key deal issues for the final signing of the loan agreement.
  5. We organize with our remitting banks and liaise with all statutory authorities for necessary clearances for ensuring disbursals to the Borrower and deal intermediaries

As a part of the post-deal integration of the Borrowers within our overall investment portfolio

  1. We regularly monitor loan quality and undertake all corrective actions, legal and management to ensure delinquencies are minimized.
  2. We accordingly settle, redeem, compromise, restructure, service, recall, demand, and receive from Borrowers the interests and principals settled as outstanding, take control, evaluate, and assess all secured collaterals
  3. We sue or bring other legal actions on the lender’s behalf against any Borrower or any third party relating to the aforesaid loans for whatever reason we may in our absolute discretion see fit and to settle all such legal actions by any means including accepting of court or arbitration settlements and or appearing before any courts of law aided by counsels and specialists as we will hire.


At Riches investment consultancy ltd portfolio managers are selected first, then the investment vehicle. By constantly researching and identifying both the strong and weak characteristics of portfolio managers and their investment process, we are assured that our clients are receiving high-quality management talent. All portfolio managers that we recommend are screened utilizing detailed questionnaires and one-on-one interviews, followed by periodic conference performance assessments.


We help our clients in all aspects of financing their long-term investments. Our team provides services in advisory and financial modelling to help the client undertake their projects with the best information and most accurate forward projections. We act as partners to the client throughout the project finance process and maintain their objectives and priorities through the financing.


We are constantly creating exceptional value in a world of rapidly shifting competitive advantages. Uncertainty is accelerating while the average stability time of leadership positions and business models is shortening. Winning in this environment takes two things; which are strategic insights into how the world is likely to change and the ability to create value from those insights before the game changes again.

Riches investment consultancy ltd helps our clients to be both a great company, driving growth and attracting talent, and a great stock, attracting investors and delivering value to stakeholders.

We partner with clients not just to develop strategies, but also to achieve superior results through support on transactions and broader transformations. We help support functional excellence through our Excellence and our Strategy Enablement strategies. Our Corporate Finance and Strategy consulting offer the following:


Riches investment consultancy ltdensures that the whole business portfolio is worth more than the sum of its parts, and takes a clear corporate vision, a consistent parenting approach, smart capital allocation, and a compelling investor story.


Delivering value and creating growth requires a sharp understanding of how the basis of competition is shifting the creativity to envision your organization’s unique path to winning and the resources and discipline to realize your vision. We dive deep into your business and market to gain clarity on issues and opportunities. Then together we can establish a compelling and inspiring vision, develop world-class capabilities, build a culture of agility, and deliver value in a rapid, agile fashion.


Bringing a strategy to life and accelerating value creation, often requires new skills, expanded market access, and stopping some things while starting others. Transactions are key, but more than half of deals destroy value. What does it take to unlock potential? That’s why you need Riches investment consultancy ltd.


Staying ahead of rivals demands a superior and always-on strategy function to envision the future, and your organization’s place in it, over and over again.

We choose the right investment opportunities at the right time and thus help our clients secure brighter futures.