Cruz Lopes

Cruz Lopes - Investment Director


Mr. Cruz Lopes joined Riches investment consultancy ltd in Juy 2021. Before joining Riches investment consultancy ltd, Carlos was a Director and Head of a Switzerland Global Boutique Merchant Bank specializing in M&A advisory, restructuring and project finance, and a Relationship Manager. Before that, he was a Business Manager at HNUWI Solutions in Zurich, led the Sales & Operations and was a Business Development and Sales Assistant in Zug and in Brisbane, Australia.


His sector experience includes Energy and Transportation and Technologies, Venture Capital, and Wealth Management, and he disposes of in-depth experience in Business Development, Mergers & Acquisitions, Project Management, Project Finance, as well as Sales & Marketing.


Carlos obtained his Master’s in Management from CASS Business School, University of London, UK, and his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration & Finance from the University of Zurich, Switzerland.


His passions include cinematography and gastronomy, having successfully co-founded two companies in these fields where he acts as the Managing Director and Chairman of the Board.
